Since trucks keep getting bigger, there is a chance that your garage may be too small for a new truck. So, if you just got a new pickup truck but cannot seem to fit it in your garage, we know how you can fix the problem.
Below, you can check out our stepwise guide on how to fit a truck in your garage. We go over the measurements, the space needed, and much more.

How to Fit Truck in Garage?
1. Measure the Dimensions of the Garage
When trying to fit a truck in your garage, the first thing to do is measure the dimensions of the garage.
Do not attempt to drive the truck into the garage without confirming if the garage is large enough. If you do, and the pickup does not fit into the garage, you may end up with dents and scratches on your vehicle.
To measure the dimensions of the garage, get a tape measure, extend it across the length of the garage, and note the value.
Measuring the Garage Length
While measuring the length of your garage, take the door hinges into account. Also, ensure the length of the garage exceeds the length of the pickup by a few inches at least.
These extra inches will serve as leeway for the vehicle. Having this margin is ideal, but it is not always feasible.
Measuring the Garage Height
You should measure the height of the free space in the garage too. To do this, extend your tape measure from the garage floor to the lowest part of the ceiling (typically the horizontal track and arm of the garage door). Of course, the garage’s height should be greater than or the same as the truck’s height.
Measuring the Garage Width
Measure the width of the garage with the doors open. Also, while measuring the width, take note of any obstruction that may come in the way of the truck. Once you know the free width of the garage, take note of the value.

2. Measure the Dimensions of the Truck
After measuring the length of your garage, measure the length of the pickup truck. Now, the manufacturer may provide a measurement for the vehicle’s length, but you should verify this measurement yourself.
Sometimes, the manufacturers do not include bumpers in their measurements. So it’s best to measure the truck’s length yourself.
Next, measure the height of the truck. To do this, extend the tape measure from the highest point of the pickup truck to the ground.
When measuring the width of the pickup truck, ensure the doors are open. You want to be sure that you can open the doors freely when you park the vehicle in the garage.
3. Compare the Measurements of the Garage and the Truck
After measuring the dimensions of the pickup truck and the garage, compare the values.
For your truck to fit into the garage, its length and height must be less than the garage length and height. Then the garage must be wide enough to allow you to park the truck inside even when the truck doors are open.
Anything short of the above, and you will be unable to fit your pickup truck into the garage. But if this happens, it’s not all bust; you might be able to adjust the garage to fit your pickup.

4. Adjusting Your Truck to Fit Your Garage
Remove Some of the Truck’s Accessories to Gain Height
One of the easiest ways to adjust your truck to fit in the garage is to remove accessories. Modifications like truck toppers and roof racks can add some height to your vehicle. So, if you remove them, you might be able to fit the truck in the garage.
Besides these accessories, you can also remove the auxiliary lights on the truck to make it shorter.
Then you may switch to shorter tires and lower the suspension. Also, if the pickup has a lift kit, remove the lift kit.
Reducing the pressure in the tires may cross your mind, but do not do this. Deflating your tires may not do much, and it may even reduce your gas mileage.
If you are lucky, removing these accessories will make your truck short enough to fit the garage. A combination of all the suggested changes can make a big difference.
Remodel the Truck for Extra Length
If your pickup truck is too lengthy for the garage, you can remodel it to fit into the garage.
One way to reduce the length of your pickup is to install a roll pan bumper. A roll pan bumper will bring your bumper flash towards the tailgate, and this saves you about 3 to 5 inches in length.
Now, you may not like the look a roll pan bumper will give your truck. But if installing a roll pan bumper was already on the horizon for you, then you are lucky.
Besides remodeling the truck, you can try parking at an angle. Of course, this is only possible if the garage is wide enough.

5. Adjusting Your Garage to Fit Your Truck
Adjust the Available Height in the Garage
If you have to get more height in the garage, raising the roof is unlikely to be an option. But if it is, you can try that out.
If you cannot raise the roof of your garage, you could try lowering the floor.
Remodel the Garage for Extra Length
If remodeling the truck’s length does not suffice, you can try remodeling the garage. This is costlier than adjusting the length of the truck, but it will add some inches to your garage.
One option you have when trying to increase the length of your garage is to create a bump-out. You can call in a contractor to do this for you. Alternatively, you can push the garage wall into a mudroom or closet if the wall bears no load.
You also have the option to install an exterior coil-up garage door. Since this door will not fold into the garage, you will get some extra space. However, exterior coil-up garage doors may not be the most attractive doors out there.
Another way to gain some length in your garage is to install ramps at the end of the garage. The ramps will angle your pickup truck upwards, helping you maximize the space in the garage.
If you have laser levels, you can easily tell how much you should angle the ramp to get enough parking space in the garage.

Gaining Storage Space in the Garage
Sometimes, the dimensions of your garage and your pickup truck are right for each other. But then the garage has bits and pieces littered on the floor and eating into the parking space, keeping the pickup from fitting. If this is what you are facing in your garage, you can make your truck fit by gaining storage space in the garage.
The following are some ways you can create space in your garage:
Store Some Items in a Ceiling Mounting System
You can store the items you rarely use – seasonal items – in a ceiling mounting system.
If the items you want to store are lightweight, place them in storage bins and place the bins in a light-duty overhead mounting system. Obviously, for heavier items, you will need a heavy-duty mounting system.
Look To Your Wall for Extra Storage Space
With so many items on the floor of your garage, there may be less parking for your pickup truck. But you can create space on the wall. Of course, you must ensure creating space on the wall does not shrink the space available for parking.
One way to create space on the garage wall is to install a shallow tall garage cabinet.
Opt for a shallow cabinet to avoid reducing the width of the garage available for parking. Also, keep the cabinet suspended on the wall to further maximize the space.
Once you have installed the suspended garage cabinet, place some items on the garage floor inside it. If the cabinet does not contain everything, set some of the stuff underneath or on the cabinet.
Besides a tall garage cabinet, you can create extra storage space on your wall by installing a shallow upper garage cabinet.

Creating Storage Space for Sporting Equipment
Some sporting materials have odd shapes, so they may not be steady if you do not store them correctly. For one, if you leave a bowling ball unrestricted on a flat surface, it will most likely roll away.
Besides steadiness, the odd shapes of sporting materials make them hard to stack. Imagine trying to stack hockey sticks, baseball bats, or golf clubs to maximize space – sounds like a drag, right?
The good news is, you can store sporting equipment in the wall cabinets we previously mentioned without worries.
To keep the balls in place, add a band of bungee cords in the cabinet to serve as ball stay. Alternatively, place the balls in a large-sized mesh basket before placing them in the wall cabinet. The mesh basket can also hold baseball bats, hockey sticks, and golf clubs.
If you have a kayak or something like that, install a kayak wall bracket to get the kayak off the floor. You can get a wall bracket for things like ski poles as well.